marți, 5 iunie 2012

Я смотря с улыбкой на зарю

... Apoi s-a facut dintr-o data liniste. 
Ce ramane? Ce ramane in suflet, in ganduri, pe amprenta fiintei, dupa zece zile de nebunie, ce ramane? Astazi, doar lumina care mi-a luminat intunericul. Asta da! Asta ramane. Ca e lumina din privire, ca e nobletea gestului, ca e o vorba incurajatoare sau un gand de bine si iarasi de bine, ca e o atingere pe umarul stang, ca e un ochi albastru care nu mai e de caine... Asta ramane. Si drumul de intoarcere spre (a)casa, care a fost sa fie si el deodata cu zorile.
 Daca cineva ti-a vorbit si ti-a atins inima, ramane! Daca cineva te-a privit si ti-a cutremurat fiinta, ramane, desigur ca ramane. Dar si duios anastasia trecea! ramane. Pentru ca ea duios trebuia a pleca...

Cand te retragi si renunti la a-ti face dreptate, ai intregul univers de partea ta. 
Da, si asta ramane!
Si toti oamenii frumosi... Frumosi, frumosi!

Sa ne fie bine! TUTUROR!!! :)

"Life's a deception with bewitching anguish,
And the reason of why she's so strong
Is that life writes in rough handwriting
Fatal characters on her board.

And each time when I close my eyes
This I say: “You just touch my heart.
Life’s deception, but she sometimes
Dresses lie in the joys so bright.

Lift your face up to that gray sky,
Telling fortunes by moon as a guide,
Calm, you mortal, don’t ever ask
For the truth that you need not much.”

It is nice in a bird cherry blizzard
Just to think that our life is a path.
Easy girls, let them cheat, see no reason,
Easy friends let me down - I don’t mind.

Let them fondle with word full of kindness,
Let ill tongue be as sharp as a knife, -
I have lived long prepared for what's coming
I got ruthlessly used to every thing in life.

Soul is chilled when it looks up to heavens,
And no warmth emanates from stellar flame.
Whom I loved have denied and betrayed me,
Who were breath of my life left me pain.

Still I’m here, ever pushed and driven,
Watching dawn with a wistful smile,
On this land so close to me and dear
For everything I’m grateful to this life."

 S. ESENIN-- С. Есенин - "Жизнь - обман..."

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