duminică, 15 iulie 2012

steaua va rasari din nou...

"Steaua va rasari din nou peste gradina ravasita
Va fi asemeni picturii de apa
Din izvorul viu de la-nceputul lumii
Si pasarile-si vor deschide
Aripile-n zbor necuprins
Si va fi prima noapte-a lumii
Si-n primul somn intaiul vis."

Georges Schehade (Liban)

sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012

capcanele memoriei

 "Oamenii se-ntalnesc ades
Spre a lupta, spre-a tine sfat
De cum sa-nfrunte neuitarea ce-i bantuie
Si dintr-o dat'
Se aud vorbind de accidente
Sau de iubiri neimplinite,
De-o-nmugurire de speranta,
De fardul acrelor regrete,
De parca-ar zugravi-n perete
Flori de hartie poleite
Crezand ca poate mai usor
Pot infrunta, tine departe,
Otrava gandurilor toate...

Si-n acest timp, prezentul tot
Trece spre drumuri neumblate
Cu taina lui si visul lor."

Jean Tardieu

joi, 12 iulie 2012

izbuti sa smulga din acel hau o amintire

"...dar intr-o dimineata se destepta, privi (de data asta fara urma de mirare) cetoasele obiecte care-l inconjurau si, in mod inexplicabil, simti, asa cum recunosti o armonie ori un glas, ca toate acestea i se mai intamplasera candva, si ca le infruntase cu teama dar si cu bucurie, speranta si curiozitate. Atunci se cufunda in adancurile memoriei, care-i paru de-a dreptul nesfarsita, si izbuti sa smulga din acel hau o amintire de mult pierduta ce prinse a straluci ca un ban nou sub ploaie, poate din pricina ca niciodata n-o privise decat doar in strafulgerarea vreunui vis."  J. L. BORGES, "Fauritorul"


luni, 9 iulie 2012


"Mor sa strig cuvantul, ca si cum muntele ar fi munte, ca si cum vantul ar fi plin de aer, ca si cum albina ar avea tepi in coada ei cu tepi, ca si cum tu, dragostea mea, te-ai uita la mine cand dorm dusa, unde dusa?- dusa si atata. "

 "De ce alerg, nu stiu. De ce latra dupa mine cainii, nu stiu. De ce e atat de uriasa acea statuie de piatra- pe care am vazut-o candva cu ochiul liber intr-un muzeu- nu stiu. Si de ce prefer in locul unei idei lucide patul si faptura unei idei lucide, iarasi nu stiu. Va supara ca v-am povestit un vis?"

"Sa lasam obiectivitatea pentru rotile dintate
pentru suruburi si pentru saibe.
Daca timpul trece asa cum trece
tu nu ai dreptul sa ma privesti fix.

Sa le lasam celor fericiti dreptul
de a bea apa
atunci cand au gura
si pentru ca numai lor li se face sete.

Dar atunci cand dorm, cand dorm
atat de adanc,
cand dorm asa cum dorm,
desigur tu nu ai dreptul sa te trezesti
si sa pleci."

"Am inceput sa fiu
atunci pre cand am inceput sa vad,
copil fiind, pe omul viu
cum isi transforma trupul in Irod.
Si-atunci mi-am zis cu un suras
ca existenta... nu exista,
ca osul meu cel rasu-plans
e-n perioada cea cubista (...)
Fusei de toate eu la viata mea:
si om firesc si realist
si supra-extra-hully-gully, ca o stea..."

Nini cel Stanesc

duminică, 8 iulie 2012

I agree entirely

"On day in a restaurant, outside of space and time,
I was served up love as a dish of cold tripe.
I politely told the missionary of the kitchen
That I preferred it hot,
Because tripe (and it was Oporto-style) is never eaten cold.

They got impatient with me.
You can never be right, even in a restaurant.
I didn't eat it, I ordered nothing else, I paid the bill,
And I decided to take a walk down the street.

Who knows what this might mean?
I don't know, and it happened to me . . .

(I know very well that in everyone's childhood there was a garden,
Private or public, or belonging to the neighbor.
I know very well that our playing was the owner of it
And that sadness belongs to today.)

I know this many times over
But if I asked for love, why did they bring me
Oporto-style tripe that was cold?
It is not a dish that can be eaten cold,
But they served it to me cold.
I didn't make a fuss, but it was cold.
It can never be eaten cold, but it came cold."


"I'd like to be able to like liking.
Just a second . . . Grab me a cigarette
From the pack lying on the top of the nightstand.
Go on . . . you were saying
That in the development of metaphysics
From Kant to Hagel
Something was lost.
I agree entirely.
I really was listening.
Nondum amabam et amare amabam - St Augustine.
What odd associations of ideas we sometimes have!
I'm tired of thinking about feeling anything else.
Thanks. Excuse me while I light up. Go on. Hagel . . ."

miercuri, 4 iulie 2012

I still don't know

"I sleep. If I dream, I do not know on waking
What it was I dreamt.
I sleep. If I do not dream, I waken
In an open space
I do not recognize, because I woke
To what I still don't know.
What is best is neither dreaming nor not dreaming
And never waking."


luni, 2 iulie 2012

without time or space

"Live, you say, in the present;
Live only in the present.

But I don't want the present, I want reality;
I want existent things, not the time which measures things.

What is the present?
It's something relative to the past and the future.
It's something that exists by virtue of other things existing.
I only want reality, things without time present.

I don't want to include time in my scheme.
I don't want to think of things as time bound; I want to think of them as things.
I don't want to separate them from themselves, treating them as things present.

I shouldn't even treat them as real things.
I shouldn't treat them as anything.
I should see them, just see them;
See them until I can't think about them,
See them without time or space,
See, and be able to put aside all but the seeable,
This is the science of perception, which is no science at all."

Fernando Pessoa

duminică, 1 iulie 2012

the dreams that I have

 "By the moonlight, in the distance,
A sailboat on the river
Sails peacefully by.
What does it reveal?

I don't know, but my being
Feels suddenly strange,
And I dream without seeing
The dreams that I have.

What anguish engulfs me?
What love can't I explain?
It's the sailboat that passes
In the night that remains"