"O istorisire mistica si plina de poezie a unei povesti din Caucaz despre onoare si sacrificiu tribal.
Bazat pe cele doua poezii „Aluda Ketelauir” si „Musafirul si gazda” scrise de poetul clasic al literaturii georgiene, Vazha Pshavela, acest film deschide trilogia Tengiz Abuladze (“Ruga”, “Copacul Dorintei”, “Cainta”) si pune in discutie valorile omului obisnuit.
Moartea eroilor, cavalerii dreptatii si al binelui, il fac pe poet sa inteleaga ca raul este invincibil. Epuizat de lupta si neajunsuri, poetul preda armele. Dar cand este vizitat de toti eroii sai preferati care aprind lumanari pe care le sting apoi intr-o cupa – in semn de renuntare (un vechi ritual Khevsuri), poetul are curajul sa reia lupta."
"The fire was devouring everything. It was raging with such a malice as if it was taking revenge on me. It raged with an increasing vigor, not suspecting that it is not everlasting either. It burned as long as there was something to burn. And when it went out, only black coals and ashes remained from its recent power. Yes, the power and the greatness of fire was illusory.
And only she, the child of heaven is not illusory. Only she doesn't change, forever beautiful, forever sublime, and forever human. "
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